What is your motivation behind your choice?When we deeply understand that we are completely responsible of ourfeelings and actions, we also start to knowledge that we always have achoice. “I had to do it, I had no choice.” That’s never true! We alwayshave a choice. Every moment we choose to do what we do, and we don’t doanything that isn’t coming out of choice.This doesn’t say anything about whether we like it or not. I may not likethe choice I have to make, but I still have choices in every situation. Ican still plan. My thinking cannot be controlled. For instance, we may geton the train to the concentration camp as an alternative to being shot onthe spot. It’s not a choice I like, but it’s still a choice.There’s a Gary Larson cartoon of two guys in chains hanging on a dungeonwall. One says to the other, “so, here’s my plan….”So be sure to phrase to yourself, “I am choosing to do this thing becauseI want to”.What is your motivation behind your choice?If we are choosing to be completely responsible for our actions then it’simportant for us to be conscious that we don’t do anything except for goodreasons. The main rule of measure for our actions can be: Everything we dois in service of our needs.Make choices motivated purely by our desire to contribute to life ratherthan out of fear, guilt, shame, duty, or obligation. Anything you givethat isn’t for totally self fulfilling reasons, the other person will payfor.When we are conscious of the life-enriching purpose behind an action wetake, when the sole energy that motivates us is simply to make lifewonderful for others and ourselves, then even hard work have an element ofplay in it.So never do things for others,only things to meet our own needs.We would appreciate what we do if we are motivated purely by the humandesire to contribute to enrich life. With every choice you make, beconscious of what need it serves.You can mindfully replace language that implies lack of choice withlanguage that acknowledge choice by consciously replacing the phrase “I amangry because you…” with “I am angry because I am needing…” Also replace“I have to” with “I choose to… because I want…” Replace “I should…” with“I might…” And completely avoid any limiting self dialogue, like “Ican’t…” or “I’ll never be able to…”, “I am bad in this.”As Bruce Lipton pointed out in the film “What If…”, you are personallyresponsible for everything in your life once you are aware that you arepersonally responsible for everything in your life. So, now that you know,choose to don’t fool yourself anymore and take full responsibility of yourfeelings, actions and the motivation behind your actions.I slept, and dreamt that life was all joy. I woke, and saw that life was but service. I served, and discovered that service was joy. -Rabindranath Tegore
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